CHICAGO TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1969 14 Section 3A Real Est. Bus. Prop Sub. R. Apt.
R. E. Apt. BIdgs. Sub.
R. E. Apt. Bldgs-Sub. Real Estate Houses Hyde Park-South Shore Cont.
frem preceding page) WESTCHESTER Choice bus. blag, across from post office. sq. t. -t- vacant lot.
150' frontage. At 1901 S. Mannheim. Fi 5-06O0 Westchester Sayings Loan Assoc. 125 OPEN HOUSE 3 flat 7 vrs o'l OAK PARK HERE'S A BUY! Corner I aterea pl'jj 10 ants.
In toed condition. Income. Priced to sell. J. F.
BUTLER CO. NA 2-1818 5 acres zoned for business on rt. 25. near the Milk Pail and the W. Tcliway.
$160,000. Porters R.E. 742-8670, 741759 15' Dundee-av. Elgin. III.
OPEN HOUSE ll-J P.M. V.elrc'-e to ceffee. domit 1103 ASH-DR. IRt. 19 to Cere-a Dr.
(hen Ksrtn to v'iWlei Ke i at, all fsc brk.j JirJ btfrni. 1x1; full paved; BPPtl.j al. S-S; fed. heat; 573.500 doi. CALLERO CATINQ W-66W ELGIN 10 epts.
dCAn Call Sparks German 692-7166 OAK PK-VADISON NR. HARLEM POSSESSIOM .1 stor brk. so. if. an 1st fir.
R. mi i l(TOrso -TH Vrr AX-) I i 1 5 I 1- v.i. gar. ja tioor apt, -converted to offices. A.r con-f.
FiH Asking J. F. BUTLER CO. UA 2-1818 lit f'Wf 3 7 i-s. oiiJ.
Stunninj 3 HI to owner. c-fter c5dv roane 'you the prul 5i 520 W. Superior. IftC. 6H7 w.
TWO-2 FLAT ERK. 8LDGS. I00 DO.VM CUY $14,800 but true, eieelient condition tnruQet. Apt. Vacant.
777-6M0 LAKE GENEVA Wis Restaurant -t- i Ige. vacant lot. Good location. L'? Craig Nwton Ccv E75 0177 OAK PARK On Austin blvd. super oe luxe 3-sfory trfc.
3-5'2S 5-rm. English bsmt. act. Ncv u'ed as doctor's office. 3-car hfd.
garage. $48 0i. O'HARE REALTY CO 1-333 FR 2-1217 7131 PAXTON 4 lovely rooms) Ige. living rm. with nati.
de luxe kitchen with breakfast area; fin. ret. im. 2 car s. d.
gar. Nr. churches, schools, I. C. $22,500 72ND-OGLESBY House Beautiful.
8 rm. bnV. res. w. huge livinq hi.
Nati. frpl. luxe cab. kitctien. 2'i tile, baths.
Super fmily rrrj. Loads rf closets; side dr. gar. Nr. I.
C. See and make offer. 74TH-LUELLA Charming, spacious, 7 rm. res. Lge.
living rm. with natl. firpl. Cabinet kitch. 2v baths; wide lot.
$1,300 on. 76TH-PAXTON 3 yr. old Ranch. 3 Iqe. bedrms.
Vt tiie baths. Super kitchen with bulll-ins. Full bsmt. Gas ht. $1,500 down.
MRS. ASCHER Res. SO 8-2070 BAIRD WARNER 1511 Hyde Park-blvd. 324-1855 JACKSON PARK HIGHLANDS" 6726 CREGIER 1800 E. Spacious well built 4 bedrooms, sun room, paneled den, paneled rec.
2 side drive garage. Overrtead door. Priced in mid $20s. EAST SOUTH SHORE AREA 8148 COLFAX-2600 EAST Georgian. 2 sty.
brick. 3 bdrms. and panld. den panld. rec.
2 baths, 3 natural wood fireplaces, cen. air cond. Gas heat. Mid S70s. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF DE LUXE HOMES AT REAL BUYS HARVEY H.
ROSEN CO. 1743 E. 56th 643-1213 ELVHURST AREA BRENTWOOD yr. old all face brick 12-1 bdrm. balcony apartment uit.
5135 per rrontn esctt. Only minutes from E-pressway and ToMways. 15 minutes from O'Hare. 1 biock to Brentnocd Shocplns Center. 2 blocks to Riier Forest Country Club.
Amcle off-street parkmq. at $153,030. Call SI EVANGER. BAIRD WARNER 446 N. York St.
Etmhurst, III. 834-1855 Chgo. Ptt. 261-1345 EVANSTON OAK PARK 4 year old 31 apartment. Off street parking and other extras.
Fully leased. Income over Cnoice location, excellent transportation. Terms available. Building 415 S. Weslev-av.
Phone; HARRIS 383 8505 -3 FLAT BRICK J4s with dcittl plumbing. 1 car Click csraqe. Live rent free Piui Conors in pockets. Near park. Ci.a!t-f.'.illtr, I'C.
AUSTIN-Etcellent 2sty. brk. with apt. 5, 5, encsld. Auto, oii ht.
Good inc. and location. 0-ner will finance $26,200 HARE REALTY CO 1-3393 FR 2J217 ir I rr ir.i ml OAK PARK-1 year old 27 apartment. Income over Choice location. Excellent transportation.
Building 444 r' J) BSHiNC- BP 6tffifi0 8ty iJLy -4 -N2' 47 y-f Blue I ISLAND C-A HYDE PARK SOUTH SHORE City Real Esfata Boundaries TERRIFIC 2452 E. Beautiful Townhouse. 5 family rm. Low taxes, low upkeep, $800 fn. 2 car wage GARIS 7849 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE Brick Townhouse.
5 rooms. Gas ht. Full basement. $600 dn. SEE 647 DODGE, 1-5 Almost ne de luxe 2 3 slant )' 2 oversize cab.
k't 2 furnrices, air possess ien. Oftner anxious. $56,530 mistake when you sell your house! Don't interfere with your real estate broker when he brings a prospect to see your house. From long experience the real estate broker ie well qualified to show your home to its best advantage to interested prospects. Your comments may make the home seeker uncomfortable, and thus delay closing the deal.
Remember your broker makes it his business to sell homes. Make it your business to cooperate with him in making the home buyer at ease when he inspects your house. Whether buying or selling a house, you need look no further than the Real Estate columns of the HYDE PARK Lovely 4 yr. old 3 b. r.
end twnhse. 2'A liv. rm. Ige. kit.
din. area, full bsmnt central a.c. off st. pkinq, many extras, Dorchester nr. 51st.
288-5734. $40,000. Owner. KRUGER CO 7-45C0 6252 I INCOLN-AV OPEN EVERY EVEMINO EVANS.TON HALF BLOCK TO BEACH PARK 35 Acts. II1-5S, 24-4sl, Cabinet kitchens, full dining rooms, tiled btns, lath and plaster.
Some parnuet f'ocrs, Landscaped 125k200 lot. Must sell to complete exchange. 2810 N. Clark 327-57C5 KLEIN CO. vvesmnqion-rjiva.
rnone: JORDAN 626-7670 OAK PARK- 10 8-1 1-2 and 1-3 bdrm. Air-cond. Near Harlem. Income over $16,000. Consider S25.C00 dome.
Mr. Schell. Feller Co. 6-I8-46O0 ORLAND PARK RAVI MA COURT APT. VILLAS l44th-ol.
and La Granqe-rd. Route 45 1 block west featuring the Lincolnwoed, and de luxe 4 ant. villa on estate sired fully improved lot. Owners villa, five exceoLcrally Ige. rms.
with full bsmt. and 2 full ba. Fully air cond rcfrig. and stove, storms and screens. And fir your life-time secur-itv three spacious 2-bedroom villas to lease.
$69,500 Open Daily Hillcrest Builders Bex 87.Or!and Park, III. PALOS HILL OPEN SY 1 TO 5 P.M. HILL-N-DALE APART VCNT HOV.FS SOUTH City Raal Eitata Bownd'arlet Real Estate-Houses-South Very clean 2 star brick, 1-5, 16. Gas h. VV.
(it. 2 car frame oar. With 0. H. dooti Vic.
34CB N. Pi 2-29C0 220,000 DOWN! 3 Stores. 14 ae's. nr. Cicero and V.airnsion.
Ixcm S25.8,0. Sncws trei.endcjs return. He-ward Kirschner. Sheiiior. F.
Cji.n j.Ca, Fl 6-1SC0 BY Ov.NER 2 FLAT BRK. 542 Ac-ms. Id. 5 and 6, clean, 2 opt. garage.
Hi.Ci, S2.500 terms. SiffJ 1-5. 632-2952 "LOVELY" 2 FIAT SI 00 DN. ONLY,ngton. 777-6000 OAK PARK VICINITY B'-autiful 2 FUt cn hese lot.
Upper 21 '5. 2 C. nicely land'cnr-ed, an.e. 777-60'G 2C37 W. Erie 0 1-5 2 50.
ht. 1 Ul. FHA Financing deluxe apis. 6. 5.
3 rrT. Cp'd. coscts. Ma-iy ctras. Income S-tlO mo.
Reduced to $22,450. CO 1-1 373 3-APT. BRICK I EVANSTON DOBSON-ELM'vVOOD TOP RENTAL AREA! 3 Story brickl 6-4's, 6 5's. Lew rents can be rsiseol 3 graies! Sberwrnner Investment SI75.0JO Sherwin 273-5420 fist 2MtO Ao3rd 5 1 I Cl The Greatest Value in Chicago Stuart Townhouses IN South Commons OPSiX MMJSE -FM -I I ISTstl 8147 S. COLFAX Beautiful Co-op.
2 gas hi. Mo. assmt. $72.50 About $7,000. 8509 S.
BENNETT Deluxe bi-level. 6 large rooms, family room, 'j baths, gas ht. Central air conditioning. Extras. BAIRD 8, WARNER J511 E.
Hyde 324-1855 "Breathtakingly Beautiful" JACKSON PARK HIGHLANDS The most luxurious "corner" brick home in areal 5 baths, huge liv. library and solarium on 1st fir. Ball rm. in lovely fin. bsmt.
Magnificent oround, 100' front and 2-car brk. side dr. Estate salel Fabulous buy! Tens Spira 624-5111 RE 1-7474 HYDE PARK At 55th. Top model, 8 rm. town-hnuse.
Full dining rm, 4 bdrms. Master bdrm. has twin 6 ft. closets; 2-2 baths. Spacious family rm.
Central air, Delighttul "easy-to-care-for" split level. A must to seel To See Call Mrs. Archer BAIRD WARNER 1511 E. Hyde Park-blvd. 374-1855 "luxe Pill bi-level.
tile baths. Fin. den. Wet bar. Dishwasher.
Pella windows. Cent, air cond. 4 bdrms. Many extras. Owner will sacf.
below value. WLF. Smith CO; HU 8-5700 E. HYDE Park-De luxe duplex, cent, air w.w frplc, recess stereo spkr. dbl.
plumbinq, wet bar. $285. GR 6-0985. 5:30 toj p. rjv 81ST-LUELLA--Brk" 6-rmT norm.
Ceramic die file bath, h. w. gas ht. Gar. Fine cond.
Only $19,700. Immed. poss. AB 4-4900 w.w. frplc, recess air de luxe appl.
$150-5160. GR 6-0985. 5:30 to 8 p. m. HYDE" PARK RESIDENTIAL Large elegant building.
Garage and coach house. DR 3W70 BY OWNER 6 rm. ranch bkfst. pan. den, wood burn, gar.
82nd and Crandon. ES 5-8217 OAK LAWN 3 and 4 Bedrooms SOUTHWEST City Rl EtUt BcmnrJtrltt EVANSTON Brick 7 apt. bldg. in quiet residential arerf. Each apt.
has 5 rms. with mod. kilch c. t. bath.
Fully air cond. Office Open Sunday. 11 fo 4 ANN ANIDRUSS REALTOR 440 GREEN BAY-RD. KENILWORJH 251-7300 EVANSTON BLDG. Well maintained.
Modern kitchens and baths. Baseoeard heating. Brick 3-car garaje. Lot 45x135. Reas.
taxes. PRICE $34,500 Geo. J. Cyrus Co BR 3 2660 EVANSTON-2 flat. Vic.
Howard and Damen. 2 bedrm. de luxe extras. Each aot. has own cent, heat ond Water; Ige.
qood layout, smpla closets, paved prkg. Nr. bus, schls, etc. See Sunday, 1-5. 313 EVANSTON-Npier so "much" FOR SO LITTLE.
2d floor income car, help make the p.ivmerts. Conveniently located. Modernised kitchen ad baths. 5 rooms tandem, L'- S-10's. MITCHELL BROS.
GR 5-3900 Come be our oupsf and look uoon the finest desiqned 4 flat you saw Each apt. contains 2 dinetfe, living kitchen with range and refrigerator. And a full basement with roughd-m Plumbing for additional bath. The basement len-is tlscll for a future recreation area. The bldg.
Is situated on hi ground vou can see the Loop on a clear dcivi Lot from 65 157' to 75 220' down payment as low as 20 DIRECTIONS Tike 05th-st. to 8800 W. Turn South to lonk for larqe sign. OLSICK GAW DEVELOPERS FRENZ-HAYES GFNERAL CONTRACTORS Ire. $22,000 lot 50(179 CALL CATHERINE AKC REALTORS AV 2 2 700 BY IStn Place.
6 it. 2-o 4-4'i. $j99 mo. inc. Taxes.
S.vj. KS.OOO i'ji apt. br. H. W.
Ht. Gar. $25,0 Lee CrjiaNelonCo. 825 0022 KtD" 14 opt. corn, ycllrw br7.
3-4 5-6 rm. arts. inc. Priced to sell by CO. N.
Huir.bolt. Korbctz. ALSI IH--4-l3Jrm. Hi 'bains. 2-'-or S55D down.
HwryBwhv 6-6170 j'f-'LAT rm. OiPht. 1 or Fulicn-Cicero. $17,900. SI.
SCO dawn. BE 5-WH FLAT BRICK-7-6, $trn. 4400 Ma.pole. SllVCa. R.
E. BE 5-S411 $33 FB.W.'" 43( bis. (i.iio, 2 w. 512 500. Bdra'Ch S.
E. BE 5-34! 1 DOWN 2-4's, nr. New het. N. 3700 W.
631L6559 vr. bid 12 flat Soil or irj-V. Jclihiion, 967-8EC0 OAKLEY 5 via. Mti. Rpnts 170.
327-0554 MUST SACRIFICE. BY OWNER RAMBLING BRICK RESIDENCE 3 2 pew cab. din. solarium fam. rm.
sewing cent. air. crptg. Pvt. S40s.
778-0184 A lY7 -C a0F ORN I A Maqnificc-n( 4 bedrm. brk. bom. Spacious formal dining. Firepl.
Cartg. thruout. Paneled fam. rm. w-bar.
2-c. brk. gar. Many, many extrasl $46,900. DAVID MCCOY 8.
ASSOC. 424-6015 R. I. Bus. Prop.
Central R. E. Bus. W. Real Est.
Bus. Prop Sub. I I MUST SELL 10,000 SQ. FT.I Owner moved will tacrlflce. 2 story corner brick near Looo ond Xway.
Submit all offers. Mr. Abels Sheldon F. Good Co. Fl -1500 5-6-1 100 788 8410 5627 N.
CENTRAL Brick 2 ttores and 4 apts. with 3 car brick garaga and 25' vacant. Lots of room. Call Casey 775-6440 McKEY P0AGUE, INC. Real Est.
Bus. Calumet Park NEARLY NEW Shop, Office, Yard. Ideal for contractor, etc. Huge salesman's office, private office, air-cond. Two toilets.
Shop or warehouse) 75xl25fl. lot, cyclone fenced yard. Clos to freeway. $55,000. Ask for Mr.
Merrlon. JAMES MERRI0N 9930 S. Western BE 8-7400 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 6105 S. Natoma, Custom built, brick home. Oak trim, cent, air full 2-car 12 old, Today's best byy.
Hi 7-6250 qOSB PA9K Mew 12 2 flli PALOS If you've got, it. flaunt It. deluxe 14 unit building still under construction. Poured concrete floors, mansard roof, balconies, carpeting, refrigerators, air conditioners, screens, and storms, landscaping, and paved a-1 parkway. 2-5' i rooms, 6-4' i 6-3' Including luxurious owners apartment.
Assume $130,000 7J4 per cent mortgage with $77,000 down. Act now, we contemplate auirk sale of this newly offered crooertv. Ca'l Ron 841-2400 or i.e. 662-0377 R. E.
De luxe 3 sols. 6' i rms. 3 2 Full baths each. led. pas ht.
Blt.ins-Refrig. Only 8 vrs. old. Imrned. Occupcy.
Asking In 50s. Bonnview Realty 6791535 EVANSTON-3 flat 6 Ige. rms.i 2 fin. rms. in qas heat, anic-ms park, 2 car 567,550.
Call DA 8-364l or UN 9-3142. EVANSTON De luxe' lO Yyrs old, choice corner location. 8x. Call M.r. Rabin 775-5336 EVANSTON SE.
Newer red, brk. dupit-x. well sp. Ige. 5 mid 40's.
4914)294 EVANSTON De luxe' newer 2 flat." Cent, air cond, $51,000. Occn house Sun. 1-5. 3J4 Owner 864-981 5 "EVERGREEN" A -9303 new 6 apt. brk.
1-5' 3 4', and 2-3's. 423-1725 or GA 2-2563 STORE FOR SALE OR RENT 1-story fireproof brick bldg. 50x113. Auto, gas fired h. ht.
1,900 sq. ft. presently occ. by U. S.
postal tta, L. Lease up and lubiect to renewal at owner's option. 3,750 to. ft. avail, and presently occup.
by Economy Linoleum Carpet. Air cond. Exc oppty. in revitalized ttockydt. Bus area.
4834 S. Ashland. YA 7-0185 Mon. aft. 12:30 p.
t. p. m. rest of the week. PRIME LOCATION Chicago's fastest trowlnt suburban area.
Rand-rd. Rt. 121 near Arlington Park mot track. Very tucctssful dining and bar buslntst with a 4:30 opening time. County license.
Good frontage and parking. Volume lustl- CICERO Banquet hall, large, modern, fully equip, kit. facilities and bsmt: Can used is restaurant. Ampl prkq. nearby.
Low starting rental. Interested parties please call Mr. Gratys at 867-6838 betw. 9-5 except. Wed.
and Sun. ADDISON, ILLINOIS DflUXc 3 FLAT 2 YRS. OLD Has henled swimming pool, good 3 lone l'a bJlhs on 1st floor, 2-3 rm. opts, up plus 4-rm, act. in bsmf, Radiant heat.
air, ofc. adiacent to beaut, Beverly Hills. A cool place avail. At a cool dn. pvmt.
of $10,000, CALL MR. SHERMAN VAN DYK, INC. 49th YR. sq. ft.
of living ina De Iukp kitchens 2' 2 baths, luxuriously appointed Spacious family rooms Excellent stnraqs spact Patios and balconies Enclosed brick yard Primary School Jewel Supermarket and Shop Community Center Wrilkwavs Adjacent Tennis Court! Ten Minutes to Loop $37,500 TO $44,900 MODELS OPEN SUNDAYS NOON TO 4 P. M. 2729 S. Michigan-av. BAIRD WARNER 326-1855 NEW MODEL MOVES 7936-40 ANTHONY-AV.
fl block West of Stonv Preview--First Showing In Chicago Factory Engineered By Nat'l Homes Corp. 3 BFDROOM RANCHES 4 5 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVELS FROM $900 DOWN 30 year FHA mortqaq Your choice of many south side locations Open House Sat. -Sun. 9-6 Sack Realty Co. TR 3-3226 $1,350 DOWN "I0428S.
Rhodes 6 room brick residence, Gas heat, excellent condition, many, extras. Shown bv appointment only. HE 4-4100 Mr, Kummer McKEY P0AGUE, INC. 222 E. 97TH-ST.
3 I'z fiths, brick bungalow. Central air-cond, Beautifully fin. bsmt. Side drive to 2 car garage. CO 4-1000 iDEAL Home for fam.
w. -children. W. Beverly. Adi.
to pk. 7 rm. deluxe Georgian. 3 bdrm, fam. rm.
Wi formal din. fin. scrnd. all. to garage.
Low 30s. Call HI5j4498 forapnt. SOUTH Shore Area'-91st "and Cran-don, with view on hill. No flooding problem. 6 rm.
ranch, 1 Vj ba. Full paneled bsmt. Gas ht. Close to everything, call: 586-9760 or 598-7899 BY OWNER 3 "be dr'oom'gforgTan Home, baihs, melnl storm windows, gas fa heat, 3 air conditioners, refrigerator, washer, dryer, 2 car garage. 10 5 54 Rnodes.
Shown bv appointment only, so 8-0444 NEAR UTOF C. 8 4 baths, pnwder Ilv. 1432 SCHILLER 33 AUSTIN ADDISON 3 BRICK STORES AND 4 APTS. Cabinet kitchens and modern baths. Automatic oil beat, 2 separata bsmts.
4 car brick garage. Must tali. Otfert Invited. TRADE) CONSIDERED DEDES REALTORS NA 2-6200 PARK RIDGE INCOME PLUS VALUE PLUS A hard comb, to findl But hsr( It Is in this lovely 2 apt. bldg.
residential atmosphere, on a winding street with towering trees to enhance its Colonial beauty. Each apt. has 6 THE "CAN DO" 9052 S. Ashland COMPANY 239-3300 sent, i cams ano woooburnlng NR. 63RD.
CRAWFORD Brick with 2 stores end lounge acjrtment upstairs. Priced to tell. Call Jim McCormick. GROEBE CO. 239-4545 SPECIAL PROPERTY DIVISION upic, atp neating units, 2 car gar.
ALiLnjON Like now condition with pool and tennis courts writ seilins. Fully rented. I over 525,000. Terms available. SiW.000.
In fully rented 14 apart-menl. 4197 500. CLIFTON-HALL S.York Elmhurst P34-01 40 ADD SON BEAUTY-6 APT. 8 yr. eta 2 sty.
brk. Med. cab. tile Uths, color plumbing, Ine. let, nrka.
Assume rr.lge,, no coM. Imrr. boss, lit fir. FOR sale or leas 4 acret. 175 ff.
frontage on maior highway, loned commercial. Ideal location for auto agnecv, boat tales, kennel, farmer's market. SHADLE-SAUTER wuy i inns, rrnm center or town $65,000. To see ask for Liz Galbo. F.
I. GILLICK CO. jl botoforltts 1 REALTORS FOREST PARK-2 year old 67 apartment elevator building, off street parking and other extras. Fully leased. Income over $141,030.
Choice location, excellent transoorta-tion. Terms available. Building 7456 Washington-st. phone: MR. BISHOP 383-85-37 FOREST PARK 424 Marerso NEW 6 APT.
BLDG. JUST COMPLETED 2 2 3-1 bdrm. Rental $14,200. De luxe formica cabs. Ceramic ha.
Builder. 491-9QS4 FOREST ants, f'ncwl Eisenhower and Des Plaines. 1 and 2 bdrm. apis. air r'c.
Inc. $35,000. FELLER CO. 648-4600 FOX 5 eacn. 12 buildingsl.
Good Income. $24,500. Sell on contract or trade. BARASCH R. EJ BE 5-8411 "FOREST PARK-9 bptj.
Excel." loc" Good financing. Low rents. Call Mon. Mr. HackerFellerCo.843-4c.00 FRANKLIN PK.
CALL VOSS 455-3313 GLEN ELLYN-4 'apf. brk." building in town $55,003. De luxe 6 "PL brk. building, Hillside $37,500. New 60- 170 E.
DUNDEE-RD. TAIcctt 3-1144 NEwcastle 1-9788 FOR SALE Modern Auto Service Bldg, Bids, 3,280 so. 8,700 sq. ft. drlve-in doors.
Gas heat. Offic DRAPER KRAMER, INC. Carl L. Kingsbury FI6-8600 WHEELING 537-8880 EDGEBR00K-ST0RES 3 DE LUXE OFFICES PERFECT FOR INVESTMENT CICERO AND DEVON Modern 2-story, air-conditioned otflca bldg. 6,750 sg.
ft. Off-street parking. Harrington, Tideman, O'Leary Co. Fi 6-1322 CICERO Brk. 3 "stores and 3 aots? 2-car gar.
Gas heat. Near Austin and 26th-St. Bl 2-2625 PI V-0330 CRYSTAL sq. ft. bus.
prop. Close to N.W. depot. Ideal for car wash and commuter prkg. ESSEX-C0STELL0 366 Vlrginia-st.
Crystal Lake 815-459-3066 DES PLAINES-OPPCRTUNITY DAIRY STORE AND DELICATESSEN Plus two apts. In newer building. Illness forces sale. Price of Inventory as down payment then assume financing. On Oakton between River-rd.
Mannheim In Des Plaines. Old Orchard area. Xtr closets. ROY S.ROHTERNo. 1 J71-5684 DES PLA I NES Zoned nursing office, elc.
Zoned 2. 72,600 tq. (t, Fully Improved. Open to offers. DOETSCHREALTY 729 X34 ELGini 10 mi, west Sycamore Area.
3 acres zoned B3. Bldg. with 6,000 sq, ft. plus 3 bdrm. 2 bath aot.
on 2d. floor. If you want fo combine business and living area, this affords the amenity of country living. Near the Marengo cloverleaf on the N. W.
X-way. $65,000. Porters R. E. 742-8670, 741-6799 151Dundee-av.
Elgin, III. "ELMHURST-ibl'xW. Zoned Highest Commercial use. Sewer, water. Fast developing area.
Call Les Mannasmith on Monday EVA D. FAULSTICH Member National Multi-List Service Member Multi-Listing Pool Terrific incom. No xpenses put TRUST LIQUIDATION 29i down, 1Sb return plus equity. 10 stores, inc. 10 ttores, inc.
Busy neighborhood, 922-0147 mi mum i t'AKK KlUGt Member Park Ridae IA. L. S. PK. RIDGE-Ooen 1-5 De Luxe Bi-Level Duplex.
Decorator furnished. M.UST BE SEEN. G. E. 2 batht cent, air, frpl.
Fin. TV rms. 2 C. par. Income owner's apt.
Walk to N. R. R. Immed. boss, In mid $70s.
821 Tomawoilee-lan. 823-876? park'r'idge APEA 20 apts. Lame owner's aoart. 6 mtrj, avail. $100,000 required.
Call today. Sparks Gorman taxes ano water. For Information i 6446 Central 774-4141 MASON CONTRACTORS! I Itory brick, doubl ttor and two I rm. apti. Full bsmt.
4 car gar. Ideal contractor's office nd yard. Needs masonry repairs. Nttr Armltag-Keeltr. Make offer.
C. H. ADAMS a. CO. 241-1070 WANT to open Real Estat Office? Ultra mod.
Ige. N. W. lid office, everthings her. 15 sales desks, 2 closing offices, brokers office, tc.
Plut 3 apts. or Inc. $125,000. Write MXR 215, Tribune 6823 S. WESTERN-AVB.
Profit II Established Photo Studio, Beautiful owner 4 rm. ipartment. Full basement, GARIS BAIRD WARNER 1511 E. Hyde 324-1853 2 FLAT 11118 Vlncennes. Store front, warehouse.
7S' frontage 1325' lots 1 Also roofing bus. for sal at same address. 45 yrt. In bus. Retiring.
BE 3-4539 BRK. 3 apt. w-tavern 4 2 apts. w-4 rms. Also, 2 sty, ttucco, 4 and 5 rms.
2 car gar. 1 extra lott. Call 778-8621 755-4988. TO RENT 36,000 S.Q FT. 2-ty.
public oar. 71st and South Shoro-dr. 40c oer Id, ft. Exc. ccess.
and transportation; CE 6i28j Steel bldg. 157000' vac Halsted 8. 120th. $2,500. J.
L. EDELMAN CO. SU 4-4773 unit complex si, 25U, ooo. ULLMiEN R. 435 Forest, Glen Ellvn 469-8660 GLENVV00D' I83RD 12 APT.
Modern 2 story air cord, fireproof biog. Ten two 1-bodrm. Gross income over $24,000. Call Mr, Mtlitari 422-680B or BE 8-8i. McKEY P0AGUE 10540 S.
WESTERN den with Ig. rcmod. kit Low upkeep. Herrirk D. Johnson Real Esti-e 1525 E.
5id-St. 49J-8865 CORNER STORE FRONT 4 ADDITIONAL INCOMES 2891 MILWAUKEE AV. WIDOW FORCED TO SELL OFFERED AT A SACRIFICE RAM RLTY 235-8613 $1,000 DN. FHA approved value. Neat 7 4 bedroom home.
Call for information MAE B. BLACKWELL ASSOC'S. 251-3640 251-6465 8 RM. Brk. bungalow.
2 1 den, liv. dm. rm. and kltch. on 1st 2 bdrms.
and powder rm. on 2d fl. Gas ht. 323-8872 or GR 6-2064. ONLY $300 DOWN BUYS" Large 4 bedroom frame sided.
V'i 404 N. YORK ELMH'ST 834-9440 181X125' WITH small pas station REST. LOUNGE, INCL. BLDG. MONTROSE-PULASKI AREA Presently operating business handling over 100 patrons, finest equip, and large clientele ad tenant pays taxes.
CRESTWOOD 775-7000 Sal or leas. near iistn-wemwonn. 288-8040 692-7166 "RIVERDALE-13939 EDBROOKE" 6 5 yrs. old. Full price $63, 000.
Low down payment. 233-0736 or 239-2637 RIVERDALE" excellent Investment. Be the proud owner of this large well built building. Good yearly income. Priced to sell.
Evenings call 849-7989 RIVFR North-Harlem location. 6 ants. All 2 tdrms. I00 rented. Income approximate! $12,000.
Asking OWNER WILL FINANCE J. F. BUTLER CO. NA 2-1818 RIVER FORESf-10 BPtiTt-J and 4-1 bdrm. Newer, larqe Inc.
$72,500. Asking less than 7x. 7.. mortgage. Call Ed Mallna.
FELLER CO. J48-4600 RIVER GROVE $70,000 BRAND NEW 3 FLATS De luxe spacious rm. apts. and 1- Near shopping and transp. SANDR0 GL 3-5300 SC'hTl LER 2- gar.
lot 50x125' low taxes. MOHAWK REALTY GL 6-3800 SCHILLER New 2 flat 3 bdim." 1V'j ba. Hot Wat. ht. Agent 545-2234 "SKOKIE-SHARP 2 FLAT ELMWOOD N.
Harlem Brk. bldg. 12 yrs. old. 2 stores Leased, paved orkg.
in rear. Mtg. available. Net income lustities price of $48,500 or best offer. Out of state owner says SELL.
BYRNE REALTY 456-1330 R. E. Bus. W. balhs.
FHA mortgage. Look at 1410 t. ootn-oi, uo not disturb tenant. ROY S. ROHTER No.
5 271-6584 EVANSTON 737 Howard C-2. SACRIFICE $46,500, owner, 7 mod. brk. stores. Air exc.
Income. 5151W. 7-0590 N. 'orLawndaie-79tn lOOx" 125. Glavor, 3704 79th.
50xl00-ft. $20,000. Greissinger Rltr. Excl. agent.
539 6447 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 8040 SOUTH TROY bdrm. 2 baths, garage. See 4 JOLIET AREA 10 acres on 1-55, 65' ml. SW of Loop. Zoned comm.
adiacent to new maior oil co. serv. station. Box 349 Morris, III. 60450.
R. Business CORNER BUILDING 4 stores and kitchenette 2-story corridor type. Albany-Pk. A-1 cond, Yrly rent $17,800. Own will fin.
at Sm. ca shreo. Lawrnc-av, CE 4-5151 OPEN SUN, 1 TO i STORE QUARTERS 8751 W. IRVINO PARK Gas heat, 2 car air cond, Low taxes. Upper teens, FLYNN REALTY RA 2-6311 6-rm.
Now vacant. Also rear bldg, for sforasa or garaqe. Exc. loc. Vic.
Mil, -Devon. Must sell to close eftat. NORTHGATE REALTORS Call today. Monday. BE 8-3290 Hanover Pa'k Terraci COOK COUNVY FOR THE FIRST TIME NEW DE LUXE BI-LEVEL 2-FLAT located in brand-new subdivision near all malor schools, shopping and transo.
Large lots. Every building Is 50x50, Face brick all around, 2 heating units, central air conditioners, 2 hat water tnnk3 nd built-in vacuum cleaners. Storms and screens. Merion blue sod landscaping, A 2-cur attached garage, paved side drive. All improvements In and paid for no assessments, each ant.
has 3 large Iqe. kitchen and din. area, I'a cer. tile baths, custom made cabmets, ovens and ranges. Very lame recreational room.
Many, nianv more features, No water, sound or other emblems because it Is a new bi-leve 2 Hat. The full price is $52,500, down payment is $14,000. monthly Including principal, Interest, taxes, and insurance. We also have l'j story 2 flats at $52,500, down payment It $10,000. mlla W.
of Barrlngon-rd, en Lake-st. 289-4540 DEVON-WESTERN $20,000 DOWN 16,700 sq. ft. office space Unbelievable financing available. 3 story stone and brick office building, convenient to public parking end ihop-ping and 7 private offices plus exec, suite.
Built-in vault air cond, elevator. A BEST BUY. $115,000. LOMBARD ZONED B-2 200x118 4 bedrm. home.
165,000. CALL 455-3313 I LE S-F RANCH I SE INVESTORS" Prime loc. 250' frontage on Mil-waukee-av. at Touhy IN. E.
cornerl. Zoned B-2. Ideal Drive-in Gas sta. or car wash. $255,000 B0EHMER HEDLUND 800 W.
HIGGINS PARK RIDGE 823-2)57 OR 763-3U37 4134 N. Mllwauke 774-3800 MPEZX SiOUSK Sherwin 273-5420 Y- Custom-bit. Lannon stone and 3 hdrm. home. Fin.
rec. rm. 2-frplc. cen. 2-car att.
drapes Incl. Lnw $40s. 9149 S. Bell 2 3 9 2 736 3 BEDRM. Hnuse 2 baths, finished full sle swimming pool.
8523 S. Latlin. Can bouahf on contract with reasonable dn, payment. Bv ownerbldt; 434-4080 "HYDE PK. Best designed twnhse? By own.
4 b. Ilv. din. area. Kit.
with d. and Lqe. fin. fam. rm.
Washer-dryer. Many extras. Low S'tO'sJiv appt. 9957483 GORGEOUS 5 2 bdrm. Brick Georgian.
15, yrs. Full bsmt. 2-car gar. $1,200 dn, $135 monthly. AGRILLO Joe 777-6000 6-RM, Brick-Near air l'j tile baths, ultra mod.
drapes, numerous extras, garage. Need about $5,000. 288-8040 NORTH-AV. near Harlem. Best location.
1 Story office de luxa suites. air paved prkg. Bargain, $90,000. J.F.BUTLER CO. 'NA 2-1818 T'a STORES and rms.
ibov Corner brk. bldg. Fullarton-Kostner Across Jewell Apt. has 2 baths. Auto gas ttlf ht.
Immed. pott, SP 2-8554 Four-Bedroom Townhomes in Hyde Park! The spaciousness of a home the refreshing landscape and serenity of the suburbs. Combine this with the oys of cosmopolitan living In Hyde Park and you have art unbeatable combination! The secret lies In the idea of Plaza living an enclosed garden concept with the buildings encompassing a mere 35 of the land. The plaza Itself is dedicated to gardens, outdoor sculpture, play lot and shaded sitting areas, along with a heated swimming pool, and sauna, 4-Bedroom Townhomes for Immediate Occupancy $52,500 targe, award-winning kitchens including 2-door frost-free refrigerator-freezer, double dishwasher, disposal and furniture-finish hardwood cabineti. uiBwnhn hpighTS 6aK sq.
ft. mod. office bldg, In vie. of North Oak Pk, avs. PLJ.
Lolll WA 2-7300 i VERDAL EOffic" "retail building, on Halsted St, 11 yrs. old, 25' 40', could be used by baiber, doctor, or ny retailer, 9 car off ttreet parking, priced at $16,500. MENCONI REALTY CO 4-1914 607 HOWARD JEVAN5TON BUS. PROP. OPPORTUNITY! OWNER FINANCED $5,000 DN.
16,000 sq. ft. 3-story brick, and marble bldg. with basement on Milwaukee nr, Fullerton. Zoned C-1.
Newly tuck pointed. NIC apoear. 1st central air-cond, with office area. RpYS. ROHTER No, 7 271-5684 "6,000 S.
F. CLEAR SPACE RETAIL OR SERVICE BUS. Heat furnished. Above A ttor. 2440 N.
LINCOLN-AV. Kenny Inc. HAT-J700 I-J, KEALTY CO. 541-4557 $7,800 nc.12'." net return, SU.U00 Cwn. Set GRAFF, 3.121 W.
Demi sttr, Sokie. 674-0303 -DDI -j j'4 homo orcfucing properly. 1-10. 7X rental, in fino sr. I i c.
ci -n Rim, TE 2-1300 AL IP upe'n Houie'Sunday 1-5'iile 1 36.12 VV. LOVELY NEW COLONIAL 4 RATS Ju't a few leftl $5 mo. Incomel 1-3 2 bath-. 2-2 tdrms. and 1-1 Mrm.
Ceramic tiie. form, lnlns, refrin. Air 1 I.r.,-U p.jlk.- i. CIS BUILDERS 4.43 VV. 63 it.
PO 7-2050 ft. brk. 2 Hjt. ti'xr, iiiit has twin sie bedrms. t.ei, r.nm, 2 or re-frig.
CENT. AIR COND. 2 full balds. 6ar and bsmt. Located in i.e Inniiy re-dcnces.
bnth units r.i"'.(J oi yju can live in one unit. r7.1lil'r,s. 392-65G0 ARLINGTON Heights Widow must sail this: spotless 10 yrs. new 5 apt. bricK.
1 barm. apis. H.W. gat nt. Air cemd.
down. Real Estate "-WLINO ION "area, "he pros. ieu. tidns. 6-8-12-16 or 40 arts.
jia.OuO-SiOOXOO dawn. FIRST 28-5555 units of All rented. 4:9 C953 evnninos. AUSri "fiat bTrJg7'7 rms. ea.
Finished 2 car par. with den! drive. Owner transferred. Must sell. S3.
000 down, FHA approved. AU 7-2668 Ihuidalc! 2 yr. old 12-flat. All 1 bdrm. apis.
3 blks. from cen-ler lown. CLOVER REALTORS 394-1100 LAP PING TON" Are.i Grand "Opening" Saturday-Sunday, 1-5 p. m. 565 Cjrl-av.
Fine location on the park. 2 hi 2 baths, luxury" unit. All apol. Pvt. patins and balconies.
Air cond, imd sound conlrolled. Caraqes avail, 12 unit bids. S25C-S275. Occpy. 6-1.
331-7575, M. J. 381-2424 BPI LWO'onDe luxe "6'aot. bldg. Prime location.
Inrorna $11,200. Call Monday, Mr. Hacker. r-tLLHR CO. 484-4600 "pt-fViDERE-Lt'e.
new 13" flat. $145,000. 1-2-3-bdrms, Assum. mort, $30,000 dn. 459-4355 By owner corner brk.
9 am. bids, Gas hot water heat. Wiod. kit. and baths, alum, combo, storms dud screens.
Near 34th-st. and Oak Park-av. Price $140,000. Call aft. 5 p.
m. GUJ-2856 EEPWYN YELLOW BRK. 5 APT." Drive by 1929 S. Scoville 3-5; 2-4s; 4-Car Brk, Gar. $72,900.
HOUSE OF REALTY, INC, 6711 N. Cicero, Line. 673-OOAO TbERYN 12 and bdrms." Near C. B. O.
and Harlem. Asking Haw many more, Western Builders TO 3-4858 BEVERLY AREA" i apt. do luxe, 2 vrs, old. Onn 3 tlareo 2 bedrm. Air fond, Gross Ineome over $11,000, Call Mr, Mustari 422-6808 or BE 8-B425.
McKEY P0AGUE 10540 S. WESTERN BEVERLY luxe 7 Aot. 6 roms 5 baths aach apt. 74' livind room w-nat tfrplc. 3 panl'd.
recr. rm. w-balh find kltchfn, 3 car oar. 60' lot. In ij's Mr.
Cavanagh HI 5-3304 CALUMET aots. 6-3-3. Imm. ooss, Small dn. omt.
to reliable parly, Under $70 ST 2 3279 or BR4-2313 CHICAGO RIDGE 4 5 Garden Ants, to be finished. Quality building. Dining balconies, tils ban. and kilchcns, G. SIMPSON 779-9500 CHICAGO "RIDGE $58,500 4 face brick, expandable to 4 $7,200 Income, excellent fl-nancinn, must be sold call Bette.
CROEBE REALTORS 12J11 S. Harlem 448-1000 "DES PLAINES OPEN 11 T05 14 flat In Addison. Only $169,000 buys this excellent investment of over $25,900 per year. Only 7 vrs. old.
Swim neol and tennis court, Owner will help finance, double Inc. TAVERN 4 aof 1-4. Tenant-heated, Incom $4,700. Tar- GALATI REALTORS 478-4711 T'i STORES and rms. abbvt Comer brk.
bldg. Fullerton-Kostner (Across Jewel) Apt. has 2 baths. Auto gas sclf-ht. Immed.
post. SP2J554 BY OWN sq. ft. Office build- ln with vacant lot. Modern, central air conditioning.
5332-34 WAddlson 13,750 SO. stores, 4 apts. Vacant comer. 3 brick bldqs. Best terms or contract, will separai.
Call ownr, 539-2S59 JUST LISTED ROSELLE AREA MAIN HIGHWAY 1 ACREIII poq kennel, contractor yard, any business. 2,200 sq. ft. store bldg. w-full rm.
apt. and 2 car gar. B-4 zonlnq. $34,900, ILLINOIS PIONEER REALTY 773-070J or NA 5-9399 ROUND Lake Beach-2-story" bldg. 88x100' lot, 3 3 stores, 2-c.
damaged by fire. $25,000. JlOjCedarLakerd. 677-2849 SCHAUMBURG Com. prop.
Rosolle" nr.Wise. 200 nt. 106, 894-2362 VILLA PARK "5,000 sq. fti Wholesale Warehouse Offices Mr. McConnell 345-7850 8612 KIMBALL 2-5 LIKE NEWI I $40,900 2 enormous 5' Vs.
Modern kitchen and lane enclosed porches, 2 car gar. M-G-M REALTY 675-8900 4023CHURCH, SKOKIE NO. 97 SKOKIE9 APTS" Newer Contemporary 5 room, Vh baths with efficiency kitchens, In an area of increasing values, Close to transportation, shopping, schools! Mortgage assumnble at 6. it's a buyg $162,500. MILDRED LINN BAIRD WARNER 1151 Waukegan-rd.
Glenvlew, III. 724-1855 SKOKIE FIRST" TIME OFFERED 3-5 rm. 3 car new cab. new gas heat $54,900 KRUGER CO 7-4500 .6252 N. LINCOLN-AV.
OPEN EVERY EVENINO STICKNEY Super "da" luxe'" flat. 4 yrs. old, bullt-ins, oar, Many extras. Must be sold. Top return.
Cell now, 585-5385 or 238-5778 STONE PARK All brick 3 flat-excellent Investment! plaster wall construction, two 3 bdrm. apt. on 1 bdrm. apt. All large rms.
Taxes $822. Very Pood residential location. Closa to school. AKSING $42,500. Thos.
0. Myers TE 4 2075 419 N. York Elmhurst Member Multiple Listing Chicago No. MA 6-2525 open 'III VILLA PARK" 12 apts. $174,000, 7 mtqe.
avail, Fireproof, quality construction, Call today. Sparks Gorman 692-7166 NEAR IRVING Park-Cicero Offices ndapts. Ideal for doctor or dentlsf. Price Is $65,900, Lee Craig Newton 82541022 12 ants. Low taxes.
6" nttqe. avail. Rents can be Increased. Call today. Sparks Gorman 692-7166 HICKORY HILLS-9 Unit-De luxe Fully rented, 1 yr.
old. Will trade Jorjacant land. 425-5732 LA GRANGE PARK Newer 8 apt. 4-2 4-1 bdrm. story, balcony type bldq.
Easy excel, residential area 2 Loop trans. Full bsmt. w-rec, rm. $115,000. Feller Co.
848-4600 LA'GRANGE PARK By owneri 4 aot. brick. $77,000. 354-2953 LA GRANGE De luxe flat. Ideal loc.
in town. $58,900, 354 6596 LA GRANGE De iii9 Ideal loc. in 354-6596 LOMBARDDe" luxa 4 town res. area, $77,000. 352-557 MAYWOOb SX FLAT Brick Bldq.
6 year old. Nr, Proviso Hiuh. Shopping and transportation. GLADSTONE 824 5191 MELROSE PARK DRIVE BYI 2018 N. 17th-AV.
New Apts. Good income. Good Investment. For Information, call; BUDA REALTY J990 Milwaukne 486-6363 NILES LIKE NEW! Solid brk, 3 fist, kind size 3 bedrm, formal dining, 3 car brk, oarage, this building It extra large. ONLY $79,900.
DELTA MORTGAGE CO. 9111 Milwaukee 966-470? 109TH PARNELL Lqe. Georgian. 3 bedrms. baths.
Huoe recr. rm. addition, 2 car gar. Cent, air cond.M!d$30s. 785-2550 HYDE 5 V'i ba.
Lne. Ilv. rm. w-trpl. Sep.
din. g. yd, Murray tchoois. Mid 30s. 30632 PROF.
6i Ige." bedrms. Fin. 2 nnt. frplcs. Cent.
air. Breezewav gar. Lge. lot. $35,000.
CO4 3714 BEVERLY- Nr. 109 neii. 6 3 dream Vt baths. Side drive. $21,000.
Sal on contract by owner. PR9-6915 NEAR i(15T H-KING-DR. Home on 60 ft, corner. 4 2 baths, mahog. fam.
rm. with bar, etc. Mid $30s. $5,000 cash. 768-9195 FULL PRICE Pvmts.
anprox. $65 monthly Nice. 26th-Sacramento 7776001) 8125 S. HONORE Beaut. brk rc-s.
2 full balhs. Pan. bsmt, Lge. lot. Illness forces sale, 478-0200 BRK.
GEORGIAN 5 Lg. mod. lovely inside. By owner, SI6.200. 8318 S.
Seelev OWN. MOVING to Cal. 8 brk.7 1 STORY commercial bldg. Barber 13 apts, 8 ttorts. On Irvlm near Kedrie.
Out of town owner asks $95,000. Will assist In financing. Prop, now netting- 9 w-low rents. SCHMITT8. CQ.
IN 3-4300 CORNER At "300 N. Zoned M-2. Approx. 4,000 sq. ft, Shops and office areas and 2 4-rm, good bldg.
Bargain, $27,500. Greissl nqer JRcaJtor 539447 4,740 SQ. "FT. A fin 1-story brkT bldg. 9 yrs old.
Auto, air cond. office with shipping area. Bargain, $30,000. At 1746 W. Madison-si.
Greissinger Realtor 53W447 DRIVE-IN A 3145W. Nice air cond. bldq. on 50' paved lot, excel active business location. 539-4447 4800 SOLID leases' on.
3 stores and 2 offices, Income $13,560. Give away al $58,000, act fast, nowl Will trade, JohnsonJRealty, 967-8800 3 stores tile balhs Imported marble 2'a ceramic vanity tops. snop, neauty snop. room apt. car garage, 131,000.
ULLMEN R. 485 forest Glen Ellvn 469-8460 ESTATE dn. Stor or offices 4,500 ft. Owner finances. $30,000, B-5-2 lon'g.
1523 N. Pulaski SCHAEER GR 2-6286 WAUCONDA LAKEFRONT WITH A.P5TWE.NTS AND SNACK SHOP all In onel Tremendous value with add'l potential for greater Income. Top in-town location on busy highway, perfect (or lite working family or even as an Investment, Retiring owner will hold mortgage for qualified buyer, Gross incom vtry high. Well worth $142,500, Call Robert Farman BAIRD WARNER a separate break- Large living-dining rooms plus fast room. BELMONT ft 7 BRICK TRADES CONSIDERED DEDES REALTORS NA J-6200 FOR RENT or for Sale 30x120 one vie.
uevnn-canr. inc. sn.uuu yr, ttnrv hlrla. Gal ir cono. wuu m.
BARASCH BES-8411. or -uiu 4800 HIGHLANDPK, 13 acres tlome. $135,000. J. L.
EDELMAN SU 4-4773 Barrlngto. 121 S. Hough St. 381-1855 modern horn. 342-3991 STORE-4 rm.
flat, Inc. $450, 132,000. HU 9-5755 vti stuoy in osmt. 67th-Paxlon $25,000. 493-6018 6JI-IB83 i bdrm.
ork fin. bsmt, New drapes. Bv nwner. tgA.onrt AfltA Real Eft-Bus. Proyv-Wett S.
Merrill. 768-1950 CLARK NEAR FOSTER STORE 4 RM. APT. FULL PRICE $20,000 Very clean, stor with new front, Wl 3 car brk. garage.
CALL PAUL WITEK BEESLEY, Realtor PE 6-2726 NILES $35,900 'Vagabond" restaurant, 12,000 sq. 2-year-old air-conditioned building on T5 acres. This also Includes 6 trout pools, 4 dwelling units, Swimming pool, cabanana, 2 large garages and former snack and tackle shop; 7 8 Room' house across from church 2 FLAT ano scnoo mmenare ocrunnnrv Low 20't, 734-3030 or 734-0700 9x6s olus bsmt, i 2 c. on 60'xl71' Touhy, Now loned Inti near Milw Will hllild t() ftlllt. rnins on kto.
snape, Miooieton Rltrs. TE 2-1300 NEAR of Townhouse. 4 bdtm. 2'j baths. Air cond, $40's.
PL 2-3776 Us 17 in isiano Lax. Illinois, Drlvat entrance off Robert's Rnad Double glass doors leading to private patios, Individual laundry, storage and utility rooms. An abundance of closet space. Individual central gas heating, and air conditioning. The quiet suburbanite the sophisticated city dweller.
They both find the best of their worlds in Cornell Village. Models open daily and Saturday 10 to 6 Sunday noon to 6 or call for appointment Management by Baird Warner 5-RM. which It on block fast and 1 block S. NR. CUBS Park Doubl stor corner and 2-7 2 bath apts.
Great xposur. Parking area, Lester Stern, Realtor 327-4222 FOR SALE or lease Modern 10.000 ft. bldg. w-oarking. Ideal tor offices and-or store.
Vic. Lincoln nd Foster. Available Immediately. 782-4008 of entrance on O. 176.
Mr. QUIIICi. Y0RKT0WN AREA i eres approx. Zond Rwltli Butterfleld-rd, frontag, of 339 ft. adlolnlng and Immediately West of, a lot which loned B-4 commercial and which Is served with public sewer and water.
Lot Is high and well drained. Overlooks Yorktown shopping center and East-West Tollway. Available Immediately. One In a lifetime location. For Information Call Larry KamTor "LANDS" l.k.te.
Kammes Scholz 317 W. Main, Wheaton 465-0520 $11,200. By owner; 778-7838 tin. 4 UP) Owner. $18,500.
GR 6-7358. H48.4yoo H. E. Hopkins or 48-2991 rvTiwnprJj APffT Plus store, 4538 N. Western.
Lower 20s.Easv financing. 334-0853 iMALL Slof and 4 Res. $22,000 or best offer, 4834 Damon, owner ur ueM uirer, unureii, umiw CALLERO 967800 NILES-S apt. $12,090 Inc. 10 net return.
$78,500 dn. See GRAFF 3425 W. Dempster, Skokie. 674-0303 I ES $85,00 0 4 1 3 bdrms, 2 baths. Jves.7-9.
729 0392 Apts. "tiV3's 4-a's I Tiled electric kitchens. Thcrmopana sash) tiled baths. Radiant W. heat.
Apnrox, $23,000 Income. Mr. SiegertwkdyS; HI 5 3306 OAK PARK tJ BRICK 31 flats, 16 furnished. 65 occpy. tenants 10 to 25 yrs.
Annual Income $40,800. Priced at $235,000. Call Mr. HOMES. N.
W. CLJ-J535 "OAK" do luxe new, )iiu nrnme over $76,000. ShowsJORDAN J-0725; 743-3344 ROG. PK.i storei, 4 roomt "above. Gas heat.
$32,500. 65IS N. Clark. 725-4155 MUST SELL! I story brick. Lrg stor 1 Ants, WESTERN SPRINGS-Most luxurious 2 3 vrs.
old. Each loaclous 3 2 bath and fam, rm, Full bsmt, 3-c. par. Cent, air cond. Nr, CB(3, AooL, drps.
Live rent free. $25,000 dn.J0Hlllorove. 246-2452 WHEAT ON 8 6-1's, 2-2's. 6 yrs, old, Income $13,000. Asking $95,000, 834-8669 WORTH 14 ants.
1 bdrrm All elec." bldg. 4 vrs. old. 448-1274 TOP RIVERDALE LOCATION 18 APARTMENTS $34,000 gross Income. Good cash flow.
Immaculate, convenient to shopping and trans, Trade. Call Dave Jackson. GR0EBE CO. 239-4545 SPECIAL PROPERTY J3IVISION HARLEM-AV. be lust 4 fiat brick 9 'years old, $10,800 Income and rents can be raised, parking for 12 cars Islria and Plastef Alum.
Won't last, LIS REALTORS J629 112-151 631-5700 NEW 4 APT, BLDG, JUST COMPLETED 3-J 3-1 bedrm. Rental ba Tux formica cabs. Ceramic ba. 491-9084 S. SUBURBS 72" flats fjVts, 3 yrs, old.
Individual air conditioners, $800,000 BARASCH BES-8411 4" flat 5 Inc. sml, down My, $75,000. Leilvnlt Renlty 366-21)20; 366 0671 bufcheri and bakers and candlestick makers could all find homes In the real estate and rental guide tnicaqo-ruiosKi, excellent Garaqe, Incnme. lAhltnrl tli Arlft aicrxti-pr, up, aaju uianu tins, WILL.E4NANCE TRADE d0 Orarolnnd S27 1II7 ft LO; 2-IBH MOTEL 11 Prime Inc. nrl Harlcm-jv.
Consider BEL 5hop-w-2 apti, above. 5414 Bnindway 728-8778 STORE "5 aptv hld. vac. lot. 4903-5" Lincoln, Best offer.
'28-4483 UNI Pius owner or managiri ir i AnartmARt. Amite Aver ST.OOtl. $10,000 down. Call td Maima. FELLER CO.
848-4600. "niii' PARK-Post war brick 8 epts, MEYER Ll 4-3550) ES 8-3972 VAC. STORE 5 19,000 down. bldg. Clark nr.
Foster, Larson flat, All 7 Bdrm. Separate boating. Near lu to Illness. Stor on sen encap oi first floor. R.
Bus. W. 4l4-8-iiU4 r.TV So AUSTIN-For saH-tent-tred. 3 story ram tar. 75x150.
Sprinkler. system) nil M. Mf. Cavanauoh. ES 8-8337.
could you. DES PLAINES LIVE RENT-FREE In you' nwn de tux 2 bedroom 1 flat. Offered bv, Call 4j9-M16 BeTPLATNES MALIRU apt. bld-is. of 12 units each.
Iw.flOO eiuity, Will consider ex- tharne for farm In NvV Suburbs. THOMAS REALTY 296 9181 tla't--3 bdrm. VI Iri Pom M. Nf. trans Bv owntr.
Call "LyJR. OOLTON NEW 4 APT. Blttfl' a 'o has 5-2 bedrm. and rn. aot.
Soundpf. of construction, rarnc lni thrucut. ranges Includerj. Priced right. Low down.
Mmn( Trades accented REALTY CO 4,1916 Real Est. Bus. PropSub. AUSTlN-lrvIng Tavern and lovely rm, aot. Owner must sell, Illness, DON CRILLY5237 Harlm.
775-5624 PULASkl-ifving-Appfox. 12,500 sq." (' Wl Mr, 885,000 Inc. $20,000 equip, $90s, SP4333 MONTROSE-Pulaskl-Mod. stor 3 bdrm. apt.
Dole, pluming, auto. ht. car gar. Low $20s. SP 4-9333 2 STY.
2 q. "apt." Also" warehousa space. Best termt or contract. Call Owner. 139-2559 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS-Parklng lot Investors.
Last lot available, Downtown location, Marlon Assutni low interwt mortgago, Brach 648-9330 PresTioiTiridi end t'forij 4 flat. 3-3'i rm. rental units, I spacious rm. Owner'! jot. Only $69,000 Br-'ch 848 9330 OAK PARK '8RK.
95 APTS. Choice Ice, mod. baths, showers, annual Inc. $19,000, for. im-med.
sale at S' 36 43C0 Mon. OAK" PARK -Corner brk 3 stores and 12 acts. $22 'Wl grnss, Excellent terms, Askirg $1 ,000. Jnnnson Bros. VI 8 1100 OAK" PAR K-'X' 0L 4-3Vjs plus larrj 7 h-r owner.
Beautiful paneled ft. rm, and bar In bsmt, DON CRILLY 775-5626 OAK PARK-J )-) apt, on 1st, 4 sing, en 2d. Monty Mkef, Leo Craig Nt vtnn Co. BRUNS juu R. 7 YEARS Old-2-stv.
stor with with 5138 S. Hyde Park Chicago, III. (312) 955-5000 at i cuii 5-mi, mm. ilace en ad, tall. Mllwk, Oltsk Realty 626 W.
LAKE-Closo In. 3 floor! bsmt, For tales, warehousa and offices. Low cost occpy. Valu priced, rhtro prlcet an ikvrcckltlni. Lester Stcrn, Realtor.
327-6222 SALl-LeasrBIdo. of 4,000 10 ft? Poss. to 18,000 so. ft. Balance leased 5 yrs, Good Income.
FR 2-1718 OWNER-D luw a ttonr Mttorf I 4tA. WW. mtd. 5,000. Call today.
Sparks Gorman 692-7166 222-4242 nu a tin. aui, iuit ni a. 5wn. win finanniTivirn lui rm? apt, brk, plus 85' lot, 28l-448 WMMM 484-0901 7.